What is the correct French noun for a school report? A school report is the report on a child's progress written by a teacher.
Can you define, give a context, for "school report"? Without context, it's difficult to translate. "bulletin scolaire" would be a possible answer.– Eric LavoieCommented Jun 27, 2013 at 14:05
Which kind of "report" do you mean? Do you mean a report ON the student's progress, like a report card? Or do you mean a report BY the student as a work project?– Tom AuCommented Jun 27, 2013 at 18:52
Thanks a lot. I mean areport on a child's progress by a teacher– ericthereadCommented Jun 27, 2013 at 21:14
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5 Answers
Depending on the context:
- carnet de notes (mostly used in primary school)
- relevé de notes (quite general)
- bulletin, or bulletin scolaire (primary/middle school)
In France, we say bulletin scolaire or carnet de notes (mostly for children under 11 or 12).
Tiens, justement je viens de signer ce matin le livret d'évaluation de ma fille en maternelle. Apparemment, c'est un document qui suit l'élève sur tout un cycle, c'est-à-dire plusieurs années.
I would go for "bulletin scolaire" See http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_scolaire