I agree with the other answers that note that the context of your first, “socially vulnerable groups,” example is not totally clear, especially since you preface that example with the fact that you volunteer [to help such groups?], which notion of “currently volunteering” might lead one to think that by “to care about” you actually mean “to care for” or “to take care of.”
However, because you expressly use “to care about” (and not “to care for” or “to take care of”) in your actual example, I’m going to go out on a limb and interpret your example as giving a “reason” (i.e., that you care about them) for why you volunteer and not as a [simple] restatement of the fact that you do volunteer for/take care of/care for/ these groups in the first place.
With this admittedly assumptive interpretation (along with the arguably even greater assumption that you might actually “care deeply about” this issue and these groups) in mind, ...
... I think you could use “prendre/avoir à cœur” to
express the notion of “someone caring [deeply] about” something" (as in the structure of your example where you are caring [deeply] about [the problems/situations facing] such groups), as follows:
“Je prends/J’ai les [problèmes/situations des] groupes
vulnérables à cœur.” ...
... or I think you could also consider using "tenir à cœur" to express essentially the same idea, but in an inverted (nearly passive) form where "something (this issue) is affecting/has affected someone (you) to the point where [they/you] (now) care deeply about it," as follows:
Les [problèmes/situations des] groupes vulnérables me tiennent à
[Avec une valeur intensive] Avoir/prendre (qqc.) à
cœur.= Y prendre beaucoup
(from CNRTL-TFLi)
Tenir à
cœur =
"Intéresser fort ; avoir beaucoup d’importance sur le plan personnel."
(from fr.wiktionary)
Although I think the above uses of “à cœur” could work in your first example, they would probably be too much of an overstatement with your second, “restaurant clients” one, but maybe you could tone it back a bit with the more literal (albeit less spot-on) “prendre en [sérieuse] consideration” to use in that example:
Je prends [toujours] en [sérieuse] considération [les
besoins/attentes/désirs de] mes client/e/s.