Example of use:

Conor McGregor has been accused of pricing himself out in his UFC comeback fight against Michael Chandler.

What's the translation of pricing oneself out of something in French? Google Translate and Linguee weren't helpful.

This is in the sense of asking for a price that is so unreasonably high that it'll get rejected.

  • 2
    As an English/American speaker this is not a familiar expression to me either. This is difficult to translate because in the text itself the term in question is actually defined in-article: "... It’s called pricing yourself out of the market. With Conor, it doesn’t matter if the excuse is the weight class ..." - What is the context of the translation? How you translate something like this will depend on what the translation is for, e.g. if it's for explanation purposes, maybe a literal translation would be appropriate (and to inform the reader that it is such).
    – Brandin
    Commented Jan 31 at 7:39
  • Could you elaborate on what it means here? I understand the meaning for a product (raising the price too much, so that no one buys the thing anymore), but not for a UFC fighter... Commented Jan 31 at 10:02
  • @TeleportingGoat Asking for a price that is so unreasonably high that it'll get rejected. I have read that term several times. Commented Jan 31 at 10:40
  • @Brandin thanks, it's not for explanation purpose, just trying to convey the meaning. Commented Jan 31 at 10:41
  • "Conor McGregor a été accusé de s'être déclaré un prix exorbitant pour s'auto-exclure du marché" ?
    – Stef
    Commented Jan 31 at 13:03

4 Answers 4


Larousse en ligne anglais-français donne pour « price out » avec un élément réfléchi des trucs comme « perdre... à cause de ses prix trop élevés » ou « il n'a pas été embauché parce qu'il a demandé un salaire trop élevé », similaire à une autre réponse.

Je propose dans la même veine :

On a accusé Conor de s'être rendu hors de prix pour son retour au combat dans la UFC l'opposant à Chandler.


One thing that the English sentence conveys well through the phrasal verb but needs more emphasis in French is intentionality. I find it more idiomatic to add "sciemment" or "exprès" for a fraudulent connotation.

To keep the reflexivity, I would translate "to price oneself" as s'afficher (à un prix), which also emphasizes the "appearance vs reality" aspect.

On a accusé Conor McGregor de s'être sciemment affiché à un prix trop élevé pour (éviter) son match de grand retour contre Michael Chandler.


I would suggest something like ... accusé de se défiler de son match / d'esquiver son match en demandant un prix excessif (literally, accused of chickening out / of dodging by asking for too much).

Or, with a different nuance: accusé de se mettre hors jeu / hors compétition à l'avance de son match par ses demandes financières excessives.

As a rule of thumb, these verb + preposition constructions get reversed in French: the meaning conveyed by the preposition in English becomes the verb in French, and the English verb becomes a gerund or some sort of adverbial clause. A classic example is traverser en courant for run across the street.

In the process one must draw from context to make the French verb more specific than the preposition could be. Sometimes this is a bit of an editorial decision, and here the context is actually insufficient to know if the accusation is one of cowardice or of greed / snobbery.

  • j'aime bien, mais dans ma compréhension, "se défiler/s'esquiver" porte une aspect péjoratif qui n'est pas présent dans l'expression anglaise (plus connoté marché/économie).
    – XouDo
    Commented Feb 2 at 9:25
  • @XouDou tout à fait, c'est donc justifié si cet aspect péjoratif est confirmé par le contexte élargi, ça ne l'est pas sinon. J'ai rajouté une alternative. Commented Feb 2 at 10:42

Conor McGregor a été accusé de s'être déclaré un prix exorbitant pour s'auto-exclure du marché. (Stef, en commentaire)

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