I am looking for some resource (book/website/...) that, for any french verb, would show me not only how to conjugate it, but also how to pronounce individual forms of the verb.
For a chosen french verb, e.g. "ouvrir", I would like to see something like:
j'ouvre [ʒ‿uːvʁ]
tu ouvres [ty uːvʁ]
il‿ouvre [il uːvʁ]
nous‿ouvrons [nuz‿uvʁɔ̃]
vous‿ouvrez [vuz‿uvʁe]
ils‿ouvrent [ilz‿uːvʁ]
In many cases I can guess the pronunciation, but in the cases where I hesitate, I would like to be able to reach out to some authoritative resource that would tell me the right pronunciation. Is there anything like that?