In the sentence

Plus rien ne me choque

(Which is supposed to be translated as "Nothing shocks me anymore") Why isn't it like

Rien ne me choque plus

Why is the ne plus inverted and put on the rien instead of the verb?

  • La seconde proposition est utilisée dans les phrase : "Rien ne me choque plus que de voir ...", le sens de plus est donc inversé, alors que la première phrase ne peut induire la même lecture.
    – Personne
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 11:55
  • Donc, la seconde proposition est seulement utilisée dans cette seule phrase, ou non? Parce que je suis confus pourquoi il y a un "ne", puisque "ne plus" traduit "Not anymore" Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 12:27
  • @Marco Ruben Abuyuan Llanes: En français, "Rien" est obligatoirement suivi par "ne/n'". Nothing se traduit donc en Rien ne.
    – Azami
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 12:45
  • Ah! Okay, hahaha je suis si bête hahaha Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 12:46
  • @MadWard Sur la page wikipedia de Rien, il y a la phrase « Il est parti de rien, de moins que rien ! ». Est ce que ce n'est pas un contre exemple ? A moins que la phrase correcte soit « Il n' est parti de rien, de moins que rien ! » ? Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 13:08

3 Answers 3


Actually both forms are correct.

Though the former (sticking plus to rien) puts more emphasis on the quantity of things that are non-shocking :

Plus rien ne me choque, (maintenant).
Toutes les choses ne me choquent plus, maintenant.
All the things don't shock me anymore.
Nothing shocks me anymore.

Whereas the latter (sticking plus with the implicit "now") puts more emphasis on the timely aspect :

Rien ne me choque plus, (maintenant).
Rien ne me choque, plus maintenant.
Some things use to shock me, but not anymore.
Nothing shocks me anymore.

(Note that plus can ambiguously mean either "more" and "no more", so the latter can be misinterpreted to mean "nothing shocks me more that that" = "this is the most shocking thing ever".)

  • 1
    Another difference is that "Rien ne me choque plus" is ambiguous in writing. When "plus" is pronounced with a silent s, it means "Nothing shocks me anymore"; when the s is pronounced, it means "Nothing shocks me more". "Plus rien ne me choque" is not ambiguous that way.
    – qoba
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 17:57
  • 1
    @qoba: Is this not what my last paragraph is saying ? Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 18:11
  • Sorry, I missed it. Maybe you should mention explicitly that the former sentence doesn't have that ambiguity; it's also maybe not so minor; your answer makes it sound like the main difference is emphasis, but at least for me, avoiding ambiguity rather than emphasis would be the chief reason for preferring the first sentence in writing.
    – qoba
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 18:18

Both forms are valid although most people would use the first one, the latter sounding more literary. Plus does not relate to the verb.


Both are correct, but the second one is ambiguous when written, because if you don't pronounce the "s", it means "Nothing shocks me anymore", but if you pronounce it, it means "Nothing shocks me more"...

And it's not even that simple, because some people NEVER pronounce the "s" in "plus", so you can't even be sure of what they would mean when saying the second one.

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