I am reading Les désorientés by Amin Malouf. The hero, Adam, is writing to his friend, Naïm, both having left war-torn Lebanon (presumably, since the country is not named), many years before, to seek their futures in the West. Adam has returned to visit his old country, on the occasion of the death of a close friend from whom he had been alienated. In his letter, Adam writes this.
Comment expliques-tu que nous nous retrouvions à présent dans le camp des perdants, des vaincus ?
It’s meaning is clear. The sentence expresses, in indirect speech, a simple, declarative proposition. I should have expected the verb to be indicative. Am I to take it that the use of the subjunctive creates some sort of obliqueness of tone? Does it emphasise the unexpectedness or improbability of the circumstances in which Adam and his friend find themselves? Or is this just a perfectly normal use of the subjunctive?