I'm reading "French for Reading" by Sandberg and there is a section for cognate patterns for adjectives that I do not understand on page 4:

Page 4 from French for Reading

There are four items here that I'd like to clarify

  1. Sandberg states that -en and -euse in French often correspond to -ous in English. Should this be -eux and -euse in French correspond to -ous in English?

  2. He also states that -eux and -elle in French often correspond to -al in English. Should this be -el and -elle in French correspond to -al in English?

  3. Next, he states that -el and -ive in French usually correspond to -ive in English. Should this be -if and -ive in French usually correspond to -ive in English?

  4. Finally, he states that -if and -enne in French often correspond to -an in English. Should this be -en and -enne in French often correspond to -an in English?

  • 1
    As a side note I would be very suspicious about this book, seeing that many mistakes on a single page... or at least what I consider mistakes as I fully agree with your corrections
    – Laurent S.
    Commented Dec 29, 2019 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


All of your corrections are right.

  • 1/ eux, euse (ous) — vicieux/vicieuse (vicious), pieux/pieuse (pious), précieux/précieuse (precious), sérieux/sérieuse (serious), bulbeux/bulbeuse (bulbous)

  • 2/ el, elle (al) — officiel/officielle (official), constitutionnel/constitutionnelle (constitutional), réel/réelle (real)

  • 3/ if, ive (ive) — consécutif/consécutive (consecutive), abrasif/abrasive (abrasive), abusif/abusive (abusive), constructif/constructive (constructive), conclusif/conclusive (conclusive)

  • 4/ en, enne (an) — autrichien/autrichienne (Austrian), canadien/canadienne (Canadian), martien/martienne (Martian), diététicien/diététicienne (dietician), méditerranéen/méditerranéenne (mediterranean), mathématicien/mathématicienne (mathematician), parisien/parisienne (Parisian), londonien/londonienne (Londonian)

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