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What is the meaning of "rayon" in Gounod's "Magali's Song" (Mireille)?

What is the meaning of "rayon" in this construction: MIREILLE C'est en vain que tu me crois prise; Je suis nuage! VINCENT Et moi, la brise, Je t'emporte dans un rayon! MIREILLE Je suis le ...
Judith Nicosia's user avatar
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"Buveuse taraudeuse ornée de bernés..." What's the right explanation?

En lisant un poème d'Henri Michaud (Année maudite), je suis tombé sur les lignes suivantes : Buveuse taraudeuse ornée de bernés Année, la narine au vent mais rien ne vient Souffrance sur ta coque ...
Dmitry Acemonte's user avatar
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What does "engringué" mean?

The sentence is: les fauteuils de dentiste engringués les uns dans les autres. Does anyone know what "engringué" mean? I get the image created by the writer here, but I couldn't find the ...
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How is the word “close” used as an adjective in poems as opposed to “fermé”

In the poem Le spectre de la rose, set as part of Bizet's Les nuits d'été, we find “Soulève ta paupière close”. What's going on here with “close”; is that actually French word, or has the poet ...
bmargulies's user avatar
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The use of "slam" in the context of poetry and poetry competitions 'dans la Francophonie'

There’s a very cool event happening right now in my wife’s French hometown and the event’s brochure mentions that there’s an “Atelier d’écriture slam” scheduled for 15H30, followed by a “Grand ...
Papa Poule's user avatar
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Un mot qui signifie « ce qui dérange constamment » ou « ce qui rend fou constamment ou toujours »

Contexte: Je cherche un mot pour signifier quelque chose qui dérange ou rend fou... constamment. Je peux penser seulement aux exemples de la littérature anglaise. Je pense à The Raven d'Edgar Allan ...
Patrick Sebastien's user avatar
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Can “rustique” be used as a form of self-deprecation?

Some years ago, I wrote a take off on a Gilbert Bécaud poem, L'Homme et La Musique, using a technique called parallel construction. Bécaud's original began: Moi, moi je suis homme, Et toi tu es la ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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