In Japanese, we use the expression 黄色い声援, "(let out) a yellow cheer" to describe a collective ecstatic exclamation that extremely enthusiastic female fans utter at the sight of a famous actor or the performance of their favourite band.

This expression is confined to denoting females who, fangirling over their idol, burst out cheering and screaming wildly. Your guess is as good as mine, though, as to why we use the colour yellow.

An audience letting out a yellow cheer, 黄色い声援: 羽生結弦 アスリートの魂 (YouTube).

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    – ezra
    Commented Jan 3, 2018 at 16:34
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    – Ken Graham
    Commented Jan 6, 2018 at 22:20

4 Answers 4


I would say "des admiratrices en liesse"


Isn't that usually referred to with some variation of hystérie?


While Fred's answer is nice, I would suggest des groupies en liesse which is less formal and emphasis on the fangirls in concerts.


I think that "Hystérie" is more convenient than "en liesse" which means high joy but without madness. Yellow was the color of jester and insanes.

Close to that, i should say : "un public en délire" or "des groupies en délire" if restricted to women.

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