I don't know a word with such a precise meaning but what would be used at least in France to describe such an attitude would be un emmerdeur (or une emmerdeuse if it happens to be a woman).
It is colloquial and maybe a little ruder than heckler.
@FrancoisJurain suggested trublion. The meaning is close to heckler indeed. It often carries a political aspect as trublions often have a disrupting objective. Nowadays, le trublion is very often used by the media to name Xavier Niel, who founded the telecom company Iliad (well know for its subsidiary Free). Niel wrote a book titled Une sacrée envie de foutre le bordel (A hell of a desire to make a mess) that is spot on here. However, as Niel is relatively popular in France, trublion might be getting less negative than it's used to be.
If you want a formal word, you can use importun:
- Substantif masculin Personne qui est mal venue, qui intervient hors de propos et qui gêne ou fait perdre du temps.